Which one is better MySQL or MongoDB ?
MySQL and MongoDB are two rather specific types of databases and creating a buzz in the market about the data storage — relational database vs NoSQL database. They both are open-source and are easily available. It could be an easiest or difficult answer to say which one is better because- Its her choice😆
Jokes apart, it depends on what your plan on using your database. Generally, you first pick the storage method you want. The storage methods divide themselves into two groups: relational and NoSQL. And the NoSQL storage methods can be subdivided into about four groups: column store, key-value store, graph store, document store. MongoDB is a document store database system.
Reasons to use Relational Databases :
1. You need ACID compliancy (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability). ACID compliancy reduces anomalies and protects the integrity of your database. It does this by defining exactly how transactions interact with the database, which is not the case with NoSQL databases, which have a primary goal of flexibility and speed, rather than 100% data integrity.
2. Your data is structured and unchanging: If your business is not growing exponentially, there may be no reason to use a system designed to support a variety of data types and high traffic volume.
Reasons to use NoSQL Databases :
- Storing large volumes of data without structure. A NoSQL database doesn’t limit storable data types. Plus, you can add new types as business needs change.
- Rapid development. If you are developing using modern agile methodologies, a relational database will slow you down. A NoSQL database doesn’t require the level of preparation typically needed for relational databases.
To answer the main question which one is better, we need to choose it on the basis of project requirement and future goals. SQL databases are long established with fixed schema design and a set structure. They are ideal for applications that require multi-row transactions such as an accounting system or for legacy systems that were built for a relational structure.
On the other hand, NoSQL databases are easily scalable, flexible and simple to use as they have no rigid schema. They are ideal for applications with no specific schema definitions such as content management systems, big data applications, real-time analytics, etc.